MMM 40 – Moving Through Trauma
Just man up. Stop being a pussy. These are the types of messages we have been taught from a young age. This results in suppression, which hides trauma from the surface, but never clears it. The trauma ends up running our lives, until we engage and lean into the...
MMM 39 – The Mission Comes First – No Excuses!
Drawing on inspiration from “Way of The Superior Man”, Jeddy hits on why a mission and vision are so important to identify and live from, why it needs to come FIRST, and how to handle our loved ones testing our commitments. If there is one topic at the core of men’s...
MMM 38 – Show Up Early, Leave Late
A man fully committed to his vision is the first one in, and the last one out. No great master got to where they are now by hiding out on this lesson. To be of service in the highest way, total dedication is needed. This isn’t simply a tip to make us look good, though...
MMM 37 – An Open Letter to My People
In our heart of hearts, all we want to do is love people and be of service. But, we are constantly asking how things are going to benefit us, which leads to disconnection. In order to maximize our healing impact, we must create a strong and clear vision of service,...
MMM 36 – The Development of Men
A major part of men’s work is about finding our unique path while on the journey of manhood. At the same time, having a map and guidance is critical to our development. Striking that delicate balance between these two poles is an art form that we are continually...
MMM 35 – The Shame Spiral
Focusing on shame and our mistakes often begins a downward spiral, as what we focus on grows. Take responsibility for whatever happened, then bring your attention to what you are living INTO, not what you are living OUT OF. When we are on fire and 100% aligned with...
MMM 34 – Family: The New Tribe
No matter how close or distant we are from our blood relatives, there is a yearning to find “our people”. Those who will understand us, do anything for us, and love us unconditionally. The good news is, we get to CHOOSE OUR FAMILY. With these people, we explore a new...
MMM 33 – Light at the End of the Tunnel
Asking for help is a huge No-No for many men. They want to figure it out on their own or they don’t want to bother anyone. Let’s end that trend. Jeddy shares a personal story about this topic, and inspires us to reach out BEFORE we think we need help. Sometimes we...
MMM 32 – Being Bigger Than Our Biology
There are certain sexual stigmas and beliefs that permeate our culture that create a certain belief about men and our intentions. All too often, we end up taking on those beliefs as our own! Some of those stereotypes have been true in the past, BUT, we are not defined...
MMM 31 – Why Good Men Lose Great Women
Have you ever been hung up over the “one that got away”, lose a great women, or get stuck in the friend zone? We’ve all been there. The reasons why we miss out on these women boils down to 3 core issues: We aren’t clear on our standards, we lack clarity of vision and...
MMM 30 – Porn: The BIGGER Picture
Pornography might seem harmless and normal, but when we learn about sex from porn, it can skew our relationship with women. Jeddy offers a deeper look into the effects of porn on men, male sexuality/intimacy, and how this affects women feeling safe in the world....
MMM 29 – What Is a Rising Man?
I guarantee that it’s not what you think, because there is no fixed definition of a Rising Man. The role calls for flexibility, being able to ride the wild waves of life. The waves might require we wear our more gentle “hat”, or the warrior’s eagle feather. Learn the...
MMM 28 – Defining Your Best
We all get to determine what “giving our best” really means, no other person can dictate that for us. It takes a great deal of honesty to accurately assess ourselves, and this honesty is vital to cultivate. Jeddy breaks down the topic in full and also teaches us why...
MMM 27 – The Other 80%
There is no doubting the potency of life’s peaks and valleys. These are the epic wins, the crushing defeats, and other defining moments. However, these events are actually quite rare and most of our time and attention is spent on the other 80% of life. The impact that...
MMM 26 – 5 Steps to Power Up For Next Year
No matter if 2018 was the best or worst year of your life, the wheels of time keep turning and 2019 is upon us! Start the year on the right foot by taking some simple steps to power up, RISING MAN style. Jeddy offers a template for doing a yearly review, encourages us...