Together, Not Alone

Find Your Men’s Team

Online & In-Person Men’s Team for Brotherhood & Self-Mastery


Fighting Together to Face Life’s Challenges

The strength of the Spartan Warrior was built on fully trusting the man to his left and to his right. We are STRONGER TOGETHER!

But most men don’t have other men they can trust to connect, grow, and be REAL with each other.

The “Lone-Wolf” narrative has crushed more visions than it has created – because every man has blind spots and weaknesses, that remain unseen without real brothers by your side.

All of history’s most powerful men had a team of men surrounding them and fighting WITH them, side by side.

This is your chance to have that.


Because without these, we struggle to:

  • \Be trusted and counted on by others
  • \Feel confident and unwavering in the face of adversity
  • \Become financial stable and purpose driven at the same time
  • \Provide and protect for our partners and families
  • \Live a virtuous life in a world of addiction and pleasure-seeking
We Are All Fighting the Same Battle

We know how hard it is to deal with the challenges of becoming a strong and resilient man.

The Rising Man Movement is a training ground for men to build strong bonds by consistently challenging each other to grow and raise the bar.

Founded by Jeddy Azuma:

“10 years ago, I was in a place where I knew I wanted to help people, but my purpose wasn’t clear. The pain of not having a clear vision or mentors to guide me led me to feel lost, confused, and afraid. I would use anything I could to escape: sex, substances, and short-term dopamine hits. Everything changed once I discovered the foundations for becoming a man and found a team of men to practice these skills with.

I spent years learning these tools and practicing side by side with men on a committed team until it was in my bones. Today, I’m more confident and fulfilled than I’ve ever been. It’s very simple. Look in the mirror of the men. See what you’re missing. Put in the reps.”

Introducing: The Rising Man Fire Circles

Online and In-Person men’s teams for Connection, Growth, and Accountability.

The 5 Shields of the Fire Circles

Brotherhood Community

For Belonging, Connection, and knowing you are never alone and unique in your challenges

Consistent Accountability

For massive growth, consistent practice and putting in the reps

Like Minded & Purpose Driven Tribe

To become a balanced and well rounded man, and work on all areas of your life, in one place

Deep Love, and Hard Edge

To be sharpened, encouraged, and never sold out by your brothers

Safety To Fail

So you can take risks, with men who won’t quit on you.

We’ll Walk You Through The Steps To Join:

Discovery Call

Connect with one of our Team members to find your Fire Circle Team

Rising Man Weekend/Ignite*

Step 1: Establish your foundations (Vision, Values, Commitments) and discover the skills required to be on a Men’s Team

Forge Team

Step 2: One of our Senior Captains will guide you and your men in building your team from the ground level

RMB Fire Circle Team

Step 3: Join a network of 100’s of other Rising Men on Fire Circle Teams across the globe!

Bonus: Free Leadership Training & More!

Become the Captain of your Fire Circle Team & get mentored by our Senior Captains as you lead your team. This is a 12-week Leadership Program for FREE.


Seasonal team interviews

Every season, Rising Man Leaders will reveal individual AND collective areas for improvement on your team so you can continuously grow


Fire Circle Membership

Fire Circle Membership comes with access to library of video content, training calls, and other resources to help you grow in every area of your life Built on Rising Man Fire Circle Standards


We have a saying

“The bar goes up. It doesn’t come down.” The Rising Man standards are built into everything we do in the Fire Circles. Team Standard Creation


Build off of the Fire Circle Blueprint to design your unique team culture and practices alongside the other men etc...

Are you ready to become a MAN who:

  • ]Is trusted by men AND women in his life
  • ]Takes action despite fear and overwhelm
  • ]Can receive criticism and turn it into power
  • ]Is emotionally balanced and non-reactive
  • ]Makes commitments AND keeps them
  • ]Is a FREE MAN living your purpose on your terms