The ultimate online MEN’S WORK series to

IGNITE your purpose and propel you into FREEDOM!

A fire burns deep in the heart of every man who seeks growth.


The desire to know who you are.

To have or believe in something worth fighting for.

To feel connected to a purpose bigger than yourself.

To have the clarity and strength to overcome what holds you back.

To be able to set strong boundaries with yourself and others.

To feel greater confidence in romantic relationships.


Sadly, most men are defeated by
the struggles meant to Strengthen us.

Lack of confidence. Fear of being ostracized or rejected if we show people our “true colors”.

Lack of direction. Don’t know what to do or how to show up in life, i.e. “What’s my purpose?”

Giving away our power. Acquiescing to others, caught up in the “Nice Guy” persona

Failure to establish boundaries: STANDING FOR NOTHING…and, thus, leaving yourself at the mercy of EVERYTHING!

Stuffing back your emotions because you don’t know how to access and express them in a grounded way
… OR, having your emotions bubble over and exploding on the people around you, those you love most

Unfulfilled and dissatisfied with work, intimate relationships, and lifestyle…but, not really doing anything about it

Escaping from the challenges we have in life by drinking, smoking, jerking off, over-eating… fill in the blank.

Unable to self-motivate, constantly avoiding action EVEN WHEN you know it will help

Scared of taking risks, scared of failing…and MOST OF ALL, scared of looking bad while doing it

Let me make one thing clear.

You are not alone or unique in these experiences.

You are not lost, and neither was I.

“In my early 20’s, I was fresh out of graduate school, making good money,
and “living it up” in New York City with an amazing community of friends.

On paper, I was living the good life.

Internally, I was lost, confused, and afraid.
I covered up my lack of purpose, direction, and confidence
by numbing myself with substances, losing myself in romantic
relationships, and jumping from one adventure to the other.

I looked around for mentors and guides to help me
locate my purpose and figure out who I was, but I came up empty-handed.

4 months, 3,000 miles, and several life altering experiences later,
I discovered exactly the mentorship and community support I was craving.

I spent the next 5 years studying and training with the best of the best.

Teachers, mentors, and guides from all walks of life.
From embodied leadership to wilderness rites of passage.
From men’s work to traditional, spiritual practice.
I’ve gathered a powerful and potent blend of tools
and concepts to transform any man’s life.

Without these experiences, I wouldn’t have been able to marry the woman
of my dreams
, raise two beautiful children with her, pursue a massive vision
to shift our global culture, and lead a movement of men from all over the world.”

Jeddy Azuma – Founder of IGNITE

Host of “The Rising Man Podcast” (Top #150 in Educational Podcasts) and Creator of The Rising Man Movement, Jeddy has been in the field of Men’s Leadership and Empowerment for the past 10 years. 

As a Rites of Passage Guide, Mentor, and Leadership Coach, Jeddy has impacted the lives of thousands of men on his mission to initiate an entire generation of men into power and purpose-driven service to the world. He is a Founding Father of Conscious Man Brotherhood and a lead coach in Man Cave, Unleash the Beast, and King’s Court.

Despite his many roles and contributions to “Men’s Work”, Jeddy considers his most important jobs to be Father and Husband.

My vision for our next generation of men to be initiated into power and purpose requires that every one of us become self-aware, self-expressed, and know who they are and what they have to offer the world.

So I’ve created IGNITE.

One program where you can easily access the greatest lessons and insights I’ve gathered on my journey.

A tool you can use to launch yourself into greater clarity of self and confidence.

Something you don’t have to travel thousands of miles to find…
Just jump in!!

Locate your freedom and power as a man.

Create a higher standard for your life.

Remove the mask, and reveal your greatness.


welcome to IGNITE.

Ignite is a 6 week online program where
WE WILL guide you through four stages.

Stage One: Self Awareness

“We cannot become who we are destined to be until we know who we are.”

The first stage is all about remembering who you are. On a CORE level, who are you? What do you stand for? Where is the source of your power?

By sharpening the lens over the essential you, we equip you to reclaim your power and face off with the biggest obstacles in your life.

Stage Two: Self Expression

“Making the words you speak match the voice within”

Stage 2 is centered around truth and honesty. Let’s face it, we all have incongruencies and incompletes in our life. Events and encounters that stick with us and stunt our growth and progress.

We will lead you through some deep exercises that will help you shed any excess baggage you’ve been carrying and make room for the new standard you create for yourself.

Stage Three: Integrity

“A structure is only as strong as its foundation”

As you step into the third stage of Integrity, you will learn everything about staking your claim and marking your territory. 

By declaring what you want, creating strong boundaries and standards, and claiming what is yours, you will restore integrity with self and make room for ONLY the relationships and experiences that support your path.

Stage Four: Action

“True, inner wisdom takes root only when the soil is watered.

Having gotten to know yourself, owned who you are, and established the parameters for your life, we cement your journey by placing the warrior into battle. Over the final 3 weeks, you will clarify your path as a leader, strategize the next steps in your life, and align your actions with a renewed sense of purpose.

By taking high-level action towards what you say you want in your life, you will solidify the transformation you declared for yourself.


Over 20+ Training Modules

Powerful Growth Assignments

Q&A Coaching Calls

IGNITE Community Support

This is your chance to FULLY commit the next 6 weeks
of your life to FUELING THE FIRE that is within you.


Preston smiles
Master Coach, International Speaker & Author

Jeddy is a man amongst boys. If you’re thinking about working with this man, the answer is “YES!”. There is nobody I would trust more in this space with my people.

Tim Morrison

Breathwork Facilitator

Jeddy is a man of deep integrity, respect, and honor. I love his ability to weave a reverence for the sacred with his passion and his purpose for guiding men into the truth of who they are.


Sacred Masculinity & Sexual Energy Mastery

The experiences Jeddy has created for me have set the tone for where I am in this life. He created space for me to meet with the deepest parts of myself. 


Transformational Coach for Men

Jeddy’s wisdom is so beyond his years. It’s like he’s pulled together all of his ancestors from several generations and brought that wisdom to the table.


I haven’t done any personal development work or “Men’s Work” yet, is IGNITE for me?

100% YES! We designed this course with men like you in mind. If you haven’t been in a men’s circle, attended a workshop or training, or worked with a coach yet, don’t worry! IGNITE works with you exactly where you’re at on your journey.

I’ve been in the work for awhile, does IGNITE have something to benefit me?

Whether you’ve been in the game for years or just a few minutes, we are confident that IGNITE has something to offer you. Because of Jeddy’s vast spread of influences and experiences, we are confident that the material you encounter in IGNITE will offer new distinctions and awarenesses you haven’t found anywhere else. Even if some of the concepts are reminiscent of other methods out there, you will certainly be challenged to go beyond your comfort zone…which always leads to growth!

Will I get to work with Jeddy 1-on-1?

Jeddy will often be leading the weekly Q&A calls. His ability to help you directly with your questions or challenges will depend on the volume of participants on these calls. If you wish to work more closely with Jeddy or any of our other Lead Trainers, we strongly encourage you to consider our other offerings, including 1-on-1 mentorship (our Trainers are badass! – we’re biased, but it’s true!).

Are there people I can lean on for support during IGNITE?

You will be admitted to our private community platform once you register. Here, you will get to interact with other men from all over the world on the IGNITE path, as well as IGNITE trainers and supporters. If you would like to inquire about more direct mentorship, we encourage you to consider our 1-on-1 mentorship add-on. You can find more information on the check-out page.


I promise you that this journey will not be easy.
It’s not a casual walk in the park.
This is big work.

But, I guarantee you will feel more alive
empowered than you ever have before.

All you have to do is give 100% of yourself to this process.

If you’re ready to discover who you are.

If you’re ready to declare what you came here to do.

If you’re ready to claim your seat at the table of greatness…

Then, take the leap and