Asking for help is a huge No-No for many men. They want to figure it out on their own or they don’t want to bother anyone. Let’s end that trend. Jeddy shares a personal story about this topic, and inspires us to reach out BEFORE we think we need help. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are not alone, and there is someone who WANTS to support us. If you don’t have those people, The Rising Man and CMB community has its doors wide open for you.

Show Notes:

  • What would we typically do when feeling heavy, dark, sad?
  • What I chose – reached out to brothers – 3 phone calls, 1 answer.
  • Being heard by another man and seeing the face/hearing the voice of my brother on the messenger box and on voicemail
  • Realization – “Sometimes, the medicine for my struggles is reaching out and being reminded that I am not alone, and I am not unique.”
  • When WE feel this way, reach out 1-day sooner, 1 hour faster than we normally would. This equals PROGRESS, and ultimately growth


  1. Next time you catch yourself in the “darkness”, the “basement”, or feeling any sort of heaviness you can’t shake…REACH OUT!
  2. It could be a phone call, voice message, or ask a friend over for dinner.
  3. Whatever it is, be a courageous stand for your growth, get over the ego-mind that wants to “look like you have it all put together”, and ask for help.
  4. REMEMBER – When we ask for help, we give another person the opportunity to be of service