I guarantee that it’s not what you think, because there is no fixed definition of a Rising Man. The role calls for flexibility, being able to ride the wild waves of life. The waves might require we wear our more gentle “hat”, or the warrior’s eagle feather. Learn the secret techniques with Jeddy and RISE UP, higher than you’ve ever dared dream before.

Key Takeaways and Action Step:

Rising Man – Noun

  • “One who engages in the process of uncovering his limitations, unlocking his masculine power, and pursuing his one true purpose in life”
  • One who is always seeking to better his best. Raise the bar. And aim for higher.


SYNONYMS: Leader, Warrior, Conscious Man, King, “Do-whatever-it-takes” Man

  • Derived from the Old English “risan” meaning “to wake” or “to get out of bed”

These are the men we NEED right now

Moving towards your mission with both urgency and joy

Becoming unreasonable with your life

Sign up for the next Fire Circle by subscribing to our new PATREON PAGE !*!*! 

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

Instagram @therisingmanpodcast

Instagram @jeddyazuma

The Rising Man Facebook Group