No matter if 2018 was the best or worst year of your life, the wheels of time keep turning and 2019 is upon us! Start the year on the right foot by taking some simple steps to power up, RISING MAN style. Jeddy offers a template for doing a yearly review, encourages us to set a theme or a focus for the new year, and invites us to have an honest clearing conversation.

Key Takeaways and Action Step:

  • Jeddy has been implementing the following 5 steps in his life over the past month.
  • Implement these to finish 2018 on a solid note and start the year clear.
  • First Step: complete a yearly review. Use Jeddy’s document (link below), or create a document with 3 columns. First Column: what is working/effective. This is what you want to double down on in 2019. Third Column: what is ineffective, or things that you do not want in 2019. Second or Middle Column: This is where the action steps to each of the statements in 1 + 3 goes. Make these action steps MEASURABLE. It’s how we take responsibility and charge of the situation.
  • Second Step: Take time to step off the gas. Recharge to 100%, meaning you are intentional about planning this time off.
  • Third Step: Declare a theme or focus. Options: Make a personal power statement or mantra to help stay on track.
  • Fourth Step: Get your body moving. Exercise, nature, motion of any sort. This is especially important in the winter and around the holidays.
  • Fifth Step: Have at least one powerful and honest conversation that you have been avoiding. Do it ASAP!!

Click the below link to access the PDF mentioned – it’s a fillable yearly review worksheet made by Jeddy!

Personal Performance Review

Get hyped for the Elements Initiation! Next one will take place from the 18th to the 20th in January. More info here. 

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

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Instagram @jeddyazuma

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