How Leaders Rise Above Chaos with Simon Smart

How Leaders Rise Above Chaos with Simon Smart

“Don’t confuse the destination with the practice”Equally informed by traditional manhood and Eastern wisdom, Simon Smart is a man committed to the FULL RANGE of masculine expression. As the creator of the Warrior Protocol brand, he’s been training men for over 22...

Be A DANGEROUSLY Good Man with Larry Hagner

Be A DANGEROUSLY Good Man with Larry Hagner

“If you don’t have a sense of humor - you’re dead in the water!”There’s always someone watching and being impacted by how we are showing up as men. As host of The Dad Edge Podcast and the father of 4 boys, today’s guest Larry Hagner has epic wisdom to share around...

From High Anxiety To Freedom with Titus Kahoutek

From High Anxiety To Freedom with Titus Kahoutek

“All of our best skills and gifts came from trauma“.Titus Kahoutek is a lover of life and an explorer at heart, forever fascinated by the human landscape. As a coach, speaker, trainer, and business co-founder, his work focuses on activating and empowering human...

From Darkness To Redemption with Albert Chavez

From Darkness To Redemption with Albert Chavez

“The more honest a man is with himself, the more safe he will be for his community.”Albert Chavez is a living testament to the power of personal transformation and redemption. At 47 he hit rock bottom all alone, with grown children, and a trail of failed...

The Sacred Ceremonial Road with Phil Gomez

The Sacred Ceremonial Road with Phil Gomez

“Sacrifice is a learned skill, not natural instinct”Phil Gomez is a rites of passage guide, mens coach, and a devout walker of the Native American path. He's been in the field of mens work and transformational leadership for the past 10 years with the focus of...

Mark Your Identity Without Regret with Mark Nara

Mark Your Identity Without Regret with Mark Nara

“The biggest imprint of a tattoo is who you are at that point and why you got it”Drawing from 15 years of experience as a tattoo artist, guest Mark Nara has gained a unique perspective on the spiritual and psychological impact a tattoo has on the human condition. Mark...

Growth Happens In Community with Jeddy Azuma

Growth Happens In Community with Jeddy Azuma

“You will not grow by just listening to the podcast and watching videos, the change will come only by stepping into spaces with other men”This is your nudge to take the next step and participate - that is where your next level of growth will occur. In community,...

We Must All Re-Culture Ourselves with Ylenia Aguilar

We Must All Re-Culture Ourselves with Ylenia Aguilar

"Ancestral memories are waiting for us… they reawaken when we connect to the Earth”Ylenia Aguilar is a woman on a massive mission - she aims on becoming Arizona’s first formerly undocumented Member of Congress. As a single mother with Indigenous + land based...

Restoring Your Body’s Integrity with Dr. Mike Isseks

Restoring Your Body’s Integrity with Dr. Mike Isseks

“Taking care of yourself first is not selfish!”Father, entrepreneur, and chiropractor Dr. Mike Isseks shares his key expert insights on men’s health in today’s RMP installment. Jeddy and Dr. Mike discuss if men neglect their own self-care practices and how this...

Rites Of Passage For ALL with Chief Phillip Scott

Rites Of Passage For ALL with Chief Phillip Scott

“Doesn’t matter what background you have - there is evidence of rites passage WORLDWIDE”Ceremonial & Community Leader, Practitioner of Indigenous Medicine, Educator, Corporate Consultant, Wilderness Survivalist, Instructor in Meditation, T'ai Chi Chuan, Native...

A Pilgrimage Into The Depths with Joe Hawley

A Pilgrimage Into The Depths with Joe Hawley

“I’m going to do EVERYTHING for the man next to me because he is pushing himself PAST HIS LIMIT”Joe Hawley underwent a massive transformational journey after retiring from the NFL. Thanks to a Rites of Passage journey and learning from Indigenous cultures, Joe found...

The Fiscally Savage Man with Dylan Bain

The Fiscally Savage Man with Dylan Bain

“A budget isn’t a restriction - it’s a statement of values”In the midst of bankruptcy, shame, and guilt, guest Dylan Bain made a DECISION to re-write his money story. After 7 years of walking a financially empowered path, his life is drastically improved and he’s able...