Fathering Multiracial Children

Fathering Multiracial Children

“I want my kids to identify and appreciate differences, but to use them for CONNECTION rather than SEPARATION”Between these two Rising Man leaders, their children represent at least 6 distinct cultures - including Japanese, Colombian, African, Mexican, & Italian!...

The Dynamic Phases of Fatherhood

The Dynamic Phases of Fatherhood

Is being a PROCRASTINATOR part of your identity? Are you selling out on your dreams by putting someone else’s priorities higher than your own?   Straight out of Rainbow Rock Canyon, host Phil Gomez and podcast founder Jeddy Azuma explore FATHERHOOD. No matter...

Time Prioritization Principles: Put First Things First!

Time Prioritization Principles: Put First Things First!

Is being a PROCRASTINATOR part of your identity? Are you selling out on your dreams by putting someone else’s priorities higher than your own?   Host Phil Gomez draws on inspiration from the highly respected book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” to...

How To Pivot From “The Plan”

How To Pivot From “The Plan”

“Feeling that sting, that uncomfortable emotion FULLY is necessary for moving on and reaching that next level.”   There’s no way to TOTALLY prepare and no way to avoid life’s curveballs - so let’s get clear on WHO we want to become in these situations! Our guest...

Expand Your Capacity To Actualize

Expand Your Capacity To Actualize

"Embody the man you dream of becoming" Trust you are moving in the right direction and continue to keep your center! Self doubt destroys dreams and keeps men playing small. How can men overcome these feelings of inadequacy and cynicism? Fam Life host Phil Gomez guides...

Open To Intuitive Guidance with Jeremy Richardson

Open To Intuitive Guidance with Jeremy Richardson

“Decide what actions are in alignment to your vision and current circumstances, and GO FOR IT!” By getting out of his own way and letting intuition and faith guide his path, today’s guest Jeremy Richardson claimed an extraordinary life. Jeremy met each fear and...

F*** Small Talk, Drop In Deep With The Brothers

F*** Small Talk, Drop In Deep With The Brothers

"Tight knit relationships require impeccable honesty" Host Phil Gomez shares the 5 F check in formula - a powerful tool to enable more authentic, deeper conversations with the men in your life. The recipe for connection is simple and can be implemented RIGHT NOW with...

The 5 Pivotal Domains of Fatherhood

The 5 Pivotal Domains of Fatherhood

“There’s nothing inspiring about living up to someone else’s blueprint”   Every man must create his unique model of what it means to be an upstanding man and father! We can use other men as examples, but ultimately we know our gifts and weaknesses better than...

Forgiveness Removes Resistance with Jeremy Totino

Forgiveness Removes Resistance with Jeremy Totino

“When I open my heart, the solution comes naturally”   The era of FORCE is OVER! As somatic therapist, licensed massage therapist, and embodiment guide, our guest Jeremy Totino helps men break free from unconscious patterns. We identify the top issues holding men...

6 Keys To Thriving In A Long Term Committed Relationship

6 Keys To Thriving In A Long Term Committed Relationship

“When I’m in those sticky, difficult times in my relationship I really just need to reflect on how can I be a better husband right now.”   Are you keeping score in your relationships? Expecting something back every time you do something nice? Common missteps like...

Completing With Your Father with Phil Gomez

Completing With Your Father with Phil Gomez

“Free Yourself From Your Father’s Expectations”   Why does David Deida advocate for men to live as if their fathers’ were dead? Without voicing all of our grievances from boyhood to our fathers in a compassionate clearing conversation, those patterns will HAUNT...

Fatherhood Is A Rites Of Passage with Phil Gomez

Fatherhood Is A Rites Of Passage with Phil Gomez

“Once we claim that we are something, we will constantly get tested to strengthen our ability to be just that.”   Bringing new life into this planet is SCARY. From the weight of new responsibilities to the loss of freedom, new fathers often struggle in this...