“Tight knit relationships require impeccable honesty”

Host Phil Gomez shares the 5 F check in formula – a powerful tool to enable more authentic, deeper conversations with the men in your life. The recipe for connection is simple and can be implemented RIGHT NOW with the men in your life. Will you use this wisdom and take the mask off? Listen in and learn!


  • [02:41] Why are men suffering so intensely?
  • [06:11] How to foster deeper authenticity and transparency to your masculine relationships.
  • [08:49] Why is faith a core area we need to examine?
  • [12:01] How are you taking care of yourself in all the ways – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually?
  • [15:03] Why a number rating to each of the F’s is a helpful way to share where you’re at.
  • [18:09] A recap of the winning formula for taking the mask off!

Rising Man Links:

NEW OFFERING – Brotherhood || The most inclusive, actionable, and helpful container for men on this planet!

Instagram || @risingmanmovement

DOJO || A 4 day, carefully crafted sequence of rigorous exercises that will challenge the limits of your mental, physical, and emotional fortitude.

Men’s Circles || Are you ready to join other men JUST LIKE YOU who have found a way to RISE ABOVE life’s challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment? Join our online FIRE CIRCLE! 

Online Course || IGNITE is a 12 week online program designed to ignite your purpose and propel you into freedom. Features weekly calls, online modules, growth assignments, and community support! 

Initiation – Vision Fast || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after. 

YouTube || The Rising Man Movement

Dancing Bee Memorial Scholarship Fund || Supports our mission to provide young men with access to the medicine of nature, brotherhood, and transformational experiences.