“There’s nothing inspiring about living up to someone else’s blueprint”


Every man must create his unique model of what it means to be an upstanding man and father! We can use other men as examples, but ultimately we know our gifts and weaknesses better than anyone else. Fam Life host Phil Gomez breaks down the 5 pivotal domains of fatherhood, including honest communication, standard setting, and legacy alignment. It’s never too early to start living as the man and father you want to become!


  • [03:41] Why it’s never too early to create a blueprint of the father you’d like to be.
  • [07:32] How setting your standards gives you a target to aim for.
  • [10:15] Why you can use other men as examples, but must have your unique blueprint.
  • [11:32] How being a father is intimately tied to be a good partner or co-parent.
  • [14:42] What is a legacy and why is it an important pillar of fatherhood?
  • [17:43] How living and acting for the FUTURE SEVEN GENERATIONS is key to service.
  • [20:01] How to adjust when plans break down.
  • [22:46] A recap of the 5 domains every man must focus on to be the father he wants to be.

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DOJO || A 4 day, carefully crafted sequence of rigorous exercises that will challenge the limits of your mental, physical, and emotional fortitude.

Men’s Circles || Are you ready to join other men JUST LIKE YOU who have found a way to RISE ABOVE life’s challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment? Join our online FIRE CIRCLE! 

Online Course || IGNITE is a 12 week online program designed to ignite your purpose and propel you into freedom. Features weekly calls, online modules, growth assignments, and community support! 

Initiation – Vision Fast || Compass is a 4 day 4 night Vision Fast in the wilderness, with preparation and incorporation calls in the months before and after. 

YouTube || The Rising Man Movement

Dancing Bee Memorial Scholarship Fund || Supports our mission to provide young men with access to the medicine of nature, brotherhood, and transformational experiences.