MMM #10 – Prioritizing Your Purpose

MMM #10 – Prioritizing Your Purpose

Our life purpose is not something we stumble across randomly. It is a life-long process that unfolds as we explore, experiment, and take action. Many men hold back from action because they don’t feel clear enough on their vision. What can we do TODAY to prioritize our...

MMM #9 – Rites of Passage

MMM #9 – Rites of Passage

We've lost connection with the practice of initiating our boys into manhood. Rites of Passage have been a way to mark this transition from child to adult and to prepare a young man with what he will need for his life. Why have we strayed from these ways? And, what can...

MMM #8 – Facing Fear

MMM #8 – Facing Fear

Fear is more than an emotion. It is a tool that informs us of what we care about and helps us navigate our reality. So, how can we engage with our fears more effectively and learn to lean into them instead of running for cover? Synopsis: Fear is a natural part of our...

MMM #7 – Dawn of the New Man

MMM #7 – Dawn of the New Man

The time is now. It is THIS generation of men who will decide how the culture of masculinity and what it means to "be a man" evolves before we pass it on to the next young leaders. How can we learn to live in the modern world as it is while creating the new one?...

MMM #6 – What Am I REALLY Capable Of?

MMM #6 – What Am I REALLY Capable Of?

After a recent personal experience, it's become clear to me that nearly all of us have only scratched the surface of our potential. Whether that's physically, mentally, or spiritually, we ALL have another gear, another level, that we can tap into. How do we access...

MMM #5 – The Dark Side of Man

MMM #5 – The Dark Side of Man

Society expects our men to be strong, self-reliant, powerful, confident, and capable. But, what happens when a man does NOT feel this way? This week, I dive into the dark side of masculinity: what does it look like, where does it come from, and what can we do to rise...

MMM #4 – Leaning Into Challenge

MMM #4 – Leaning Into Challenge

When things get tough, do you lean in? Or do you hide out, playing small and settling for average? We’ve been conditioned to believe that things we want will come to us with ease. But, the reality is that the lessons and experiences that shape us the most come when we...

MMM #3 – Unleashing Anger

MMM #3 – Unleashing Anger

Calm down. Take a deep breath. Anger is violent, dangerous, and scary. All of these beliefs and stories about a very basic and normal human emotion have had major implications in our society. What if we could teach our men to express anger in a healthy, productive...

MMM #2 – Hunting Alone

MMM #2 – Hunting Alone

The stories of the "Lone Wolf" and the "Self-made Man" have caused us to become resistant to asking for help. Collaboration is king, and for many men I work with, asking for help is the HARDEST thing we do. Sure, we can hunt alone thanks to modern technology and...

MMM #1 – Progress Over Perfection

MMM #1 – Progress Over Perfection

Do you find yourself stuck in the "perfection" story, i.e. trying to get it "right", look good, and earn love and respect from others? Here's some insights to help debunk the pursuit of perfection and create a new strategy that values the process over the results....

MMM 28 – Defining Your Best

MMM 28 – Defining Your Best

We all get to determine what “giving our best” really means, no other person can dictate that for us. It takes a great deal of honesty to accurately assess ourselves, and this honesty is vital to cultivate. Jeddy breaks down the topic in full and also teaches us why...