After a recent personal experience, it’s become clear to me that nearly all of us have only scratched the surface of our potential. Whether that’s physically, mentally, or spiritually, we ALL have another gear, another level, that we can tap into. How do we access this power and learn to use it?


You have NO idea what you’re capable of
  • Witnessing Sundance
  • Seeing men stretched to every edge they have
  • Observing that there is ALWAYS another gear
Our mission as men is to discover the depth of our power and access it for the benefit of others and ourselves
  • What is the cost of NOT living on your razor’s edge?
How do we discover our power?
  • Choose an edge and commit
  • Ask yourself, “What would a BIG stretch for me be?”
  • May be physical, mental, spiritual, financial, etc.
  • Ex. run your first 1/2 marathon, finally start your side business, commit to meditating 30 minutes/day for 6 months
  • It HAS to be scary. It HAS to be edgy. Growth happens on the edge of  what we currently believe we are capable of.

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