Our life purpose is not something we stumble across randomly. It is a life-long process that unfolds as we explore, experiment, and take action. Many men hold back from action because they don’t feel clear enough on their vision. What can we do TODAY to prioritize our purpose?



Here’s what’s happening, all over the world…

  • So many of us are letting the monotonous tasks of day-to-day life get in the way of our greatness
  • Whether it’s because you still think you’re doing what you’re “supposed to do” OR you’re too afraid to live into your purpose…it’s time to wake up!
  • Each one of us who is holding back on taking the bold leap into a life of fulfillment is ALSO withholding our unique gifts and greatness from the world

So, what does “prioritizing your purpose” really mean?

  • TAKING ACTION towards your vision
  • If you don’t have a vision, spend some time getting clear on WHAT you want your life to look like
  • Shout out to my “Supernova Crew” in Man Cave 3.0
    • Reading a book called “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles
  • Step 1: Decide where you are CERTAIN when it comes to your future
  • Step 2: Identify where you are CURIOUS about your future. Create opportunities and experiences that allow you to explore these possibilities
  • Step 3: Move in the direction of your CLEAR VISION and polish the lens as you go

In order to do this, you will have to…

  • Be UN-reasonable
  • Ignore the haters…INCLUDING the voice of resistance from within you
  • Be willing to FAIL…and fail FORWARD!
  • Make your purpose a PRIORITY – yes, EVEN more important than your relationship and family at times
  • Honor your commitments
  • Figure out how to make a way out of NO WAY…as my man Preston Smiles would put it


  • Go somewhere inspiring to you (sunset spot, the ocean, a park you love)
  • Leave all distractions behind (including your phone, music player, books, etc.)
  • Bring only a PEN and PAPER
  • Give yourself FULL PERMISSION to declare exactly what you want in your future
  • What do you SEE for yourself when you close your eyes?
  • Is there a snapshot of the life you’ve always wanted?
  • What is CLEAR and what is still uncertain?
  • Write EVERYTHING that comes up, EXACTLY as it comes up
  • Don’t stop writing until you are empty
  • Analyze, reflect and share with other men on the Rising Man Facebook group.

Instagram @jeddyazuma

The Rising Man Facebook Group