MMM 100 – What’s The Price On Your Integrity?
What would you do if the ATM gave you an extra $800? This unlikely situation actually happened, and it gave me a GOLDEN opportunity to practice integrity. Life is full of these unexpected twists and turns, and because integrity is deeply held value, this decision was...
MMM 099 – Rising Man Origins: How I Got Here
In this highly relatable origin story, you will see that even men’s work leaders like Jeddy did not always have their lives figured out. Your struggles and pain are inevitable; they are vital moments in our masculine evolution. Listen in and hear how Jeddy transformed...
MMM 098 – How To Commit To A Relationship Without Losing Your Balls
Do you believe in that “happy wife, happy life” buIIshit? Making your partner happy is NOT your responsibility. This weak and widely held misperception about relationships is blasted apart by Jeddy in today’s fiery Monday Morning Meditation. We also cover the links...
MMM 097 – If You’re Not Leading In Your Life, Then Who Is?
Do you identify yourself as a leader? All men are born with this innate gift, though for many it lies dormant. Reawakening our kingly powers only requires that we give it effort. Listen in, as Jeddy outlines where and how to start. Leadership is a way of being, your...
MMM 096 – Decisiveness & Becoming A Man
Decision making has an extra challenge in these quarantined times. Do we err on the side of caution to appease others? Are we acting on feelings of frustration by rebelling against the authorities? It’s a perfect opportunity to check in with yourself and get HONEST...
MMM 095 – No Turning Back: Creating A New Culture
Two years from now, when you look back at your quarantine experience, will you be able to say that it was the greatest thing to possibly happen to you? What actions and decisions would you have to take for that to be true? We’ve known for ages the better world we...
MMM 094 – Simple Steps To Fulfilling Your Purpose
Is your head in the clouds? Or, is your focus fixated on the ground beneath? While neither is better than the other, becoming aware of our dominant tendency is crucial. Life requires that we shift between these modes of operation, so listen in for a complete breakdown...
MMM 093 – “Good Enough” Is NOT Enough
It is human nature to judge and evaluate our performance, whether it be at work, in relationships, or even while enjoying our favorite hobbies. We tend to oscillate between simply considering it “good enough” or kicking ourselves for not trying hard enough. As you’ll...
MMM 092 – Convenience Is Killing Us, ReWild Yourself!
Our modern world is almost completely mechanized, automated, and sterilized. This has an overwhelmingly negative effect on our mental and physical health. We’ve grown accustomed to our convenient, instant gratification lifestyles but yet our hearts and hands yearn for...
MMM 091 – The Pandemic: Bringing Out The Best Of Humanity
In a time where everything feels out of our control, reminding ourselves of all the areas where we hold power is paramount to being an upstanding Man. Our attitude towards inconveniences amid these shifting circumstances is firmly in our hands. Even if we falter,...
MMM 090 – Why Fear Is A Good Thing
It’s time to re-evaluate our relationship with fear. Fear is part of the human experience, and by wishing it away, we miss out on it’s gifts. Jeddy shares from the heart and explains why viewing fear as a good thing is supremely beneficial. This shift in perception...
MMM 089 – Why I Don’t Cheat On My Wife
Every day we make hundreds of life altering decisions. They might not seem pivotal because they are so frequent, but each choice shapes our lives. A Rising Man will make the decision aligned with his long term vision. This runs counter to our baseline programming,...
MMM 088 – 3 Steps To Curing Overwhelm And Clearing A Full Plate
It’s okay to be overwhelmed, it’s part of the human experience. The mark of a Rising Man is one who honestly owns his experience, and takes steps in a healthy direction. When we are stressed and anxious, it can feel hopeless. The good news is that clearing these stuck...
MMM 087 – The Secret To Surviving Relationship With A Strong Woman
Only thru challenge can we integrate our highest, most noble masculine selves. This wisdom is easy to comprehend, but can be highly difficult to heed while being triggered by our partners. With the proper perspective, we can take the high road and LEARN from the...
MMM 086 – Stop Calling Yourself A King
KINGSHIP is earned through complete commitment to integrity, and takes nearly a lifetime to claim. Jeddy explains the major developmental phases of men, including knighthood and princehood. Taking full ownership over where we are in the journey is vital, as each stage...