First nature

The Harmonic Transition Into Harvest Time

The Harmonic Transition Into Harvest Time

“There is a way to be in the ebb and flow so that we FEEL THE ABUNDANCE” Every Autumnal transition offers a golden opportunity to allow what doesn’t work to fall away. This time of the year has vital ancestral and indigenous significance, as they lived in greater...

Be A Sacred Observer Of Life with Lisa Doron

Be A Sacred Observer Of Life with Lisa Doron

“Take yourself out of your comfort zone and risk everything to find out what you haven’t looked at yet” Nature’s infinite wisdom is available to anyone willing to slow down and accept they don’t know everything! Thanks to decades of nature immersion and witnessing her...

Finding Stillness This Summer Solstice

Finding Stillness This Summer Solstice

“The flash of the flower has faded with Spring, now it’s time to commit to what we can bring to fruition.” As we enter this ultra-potent point of the year, remembering our cosmic connection will mightily assist in bringing our visions to life. What was planted in the...

Can Playing It Small Serve The World?

Can Playing It Small Serve The World?

“The more unsafe the world feels the more I lean into what’s comfortable, which feeds into the systems that got us here.” The concept of taking massive action and rocking the world is all the rage these days. But is that actually leading to transformation? Big swings...

Appreciate Each Precious Day with Angela Vincent

Appreciate Each Precious Day with Angela Vincent

“Your heart wants to greet the sun and the sun wants to greet you.” There’s no wrong way to connect with nature. Getting out of your head and into the dirt is so simple, yet the resistance is often fierce. For this segment’s FIRST INTERVIEW - we have the amazing...

Claim Your Cosmic Inheritance

Claim Your Cosmic Inheritance

“Balance isn’t motionless. It’s realized by finding peace in the oscillations.” In our busy lives, taking time to APPRECIATE and CONNECT with the natural world is often given low-priority status. At what cost? Dis-ease, anxiety, and a lack of belonging are just a few...

Right Relations Propagate Peace

Right Relations Propagate Peace

“One worships as one breathes” - Caroline Myss The highest and most connective states possible can only be experienced while in right relations to the natural world. Host Shawn Berry shares how time spent in nature can be extremely beneficial to our mental, emotional,...

First Nature 007 – Intermingling Myth and Reality

First Nature 007 – Intermingling Myth and Reality

Host Shawn Berry shares his meaningful vision quest story, complete with Yule-time and Winter Solstice significance. Rites of passage programs hold unique medicine, using silence and nature to create an intentional cocoon for our next evolution. Shawn’s story serves...

First Nature 004 – Harmonious Regenerative Living

First Nature 004 – Harmonious Regenerative Living

Are you intentionally living in harmony with nature? It’s easy to become disconnected, thanks to the allure of technology and society’s insufficient respect for time spent outdoors. Host Shawn Berry offers guidance to help us increase our positive impact, live in...

First Nature 002 – Earth Day Is Everyday

First Nature 002 – Earth Day Is Everyday

How did Earth Day become a thing? How do we take the message of Earth Day to heart and make changes in our lifestyles that support our environment? In this episode, your host Shawn Berry delves into the history of Earth Day, dealing with the guilt of “not doing more”....