“Take yourself out of your comfort zone and risk everything to find out what you haven’t looked at yet”

Nature’s infinite wisdom is available to anyone willing to slow down and accept they don’t know everything! Thanks to decades of nature immersion and witnessing her wild ways, our guest Lisa Doron has integrated Earth’s deepest truths. By embracing solitude and the scariness of life, Lisa has lived in perpetual gratitude and appreciation for our natural surroundings. Listen in and learn how to embrace the novelty of each day, why awareness of other life forms will increase your Earthly connection, and why UNKNOWING is science’s next edge.


  • [06:10] Why society instills fear around spending time in nature and how that impacted Lisa.
  • [13:01] How to appreciate the freshness and novelty of each new day.
  • [18:57] Does naming a thing actually give us dominion like the Bible declares?
  • [25:47] How nature has shown Lisa her highest self.
  • [35:25] What it means to be recognized by the land and realize spirit.
  • [40:12] Why wishing for nature to be different prevents true peace.
  • [47:58] How the scariness of solitude transforms into a gift once confronted.
  • [56:52] Are you living in awareness and appreciation for all other life forms surrounding you?
  • [1:02:31] Why returning home after your revelatory hero’s journey is the most difficult stage.
  • [1:10:02] Are you aware of what spiritual framework you are living from?
  • [1:22:19] Why unknowing is the next edge for science and humanity’s understanding of the universe.


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