MMM 085 – Make Your Word Mean Something
We all want to be men of our word. It sounds easy and simple, so why do we repeatedly fail to show up? Listen in as Jeddy lays down the truth when it comes to understanding integrity, declaring commitments, and being 100% honest with yourself. Show Notes: Why people...
MMM 084 – Fathering The Boy Inside
There’s a misconception that a mature man is beyond feeling fear. We ALL experience fear. The integrated man forges a sense of safety for HIMSELF, using positive & loving internal dialog. He does not dwell on the pain, nor crave its release. This journey of...
MMM 083 – Ready Aim Fire
Does “getting ready to get ready” serve anyone? Too often, we lose sight of the vital step of TAKING ACTION. This episode is a motivation and a call forward for every man ready to elevate his life to the next level. Learn the common pitfalls of goal setting and keys...
MMM 082 – The World Is Not Ending
Despite the raging fires, political gridlocks, and constant threats of total global war, the world is not ending. Jeddy explains why our outlook towards the external world will dictate whether we are selfish or service oriented. This subtle attitude shift affects much...
MMM 081 – Men Are Not Broken
Broken, toxic, and damaged. These are the popular adjectives associated with modern masculinity. Though far from the truth, many of us allow these disempowered belief systems to run our lives. Thru community, reflection, and self love, we can step forward as the...
MMM 080 – Facing Death
At the critical junction of manhood and boyhood, every male has a choice. To declare himself as a man of integrity, or join the ranks of the average man. We can’t mature until we choose to embrace these challenges and take risks. Growing into our dream avatars...
MMM 079 – Finding Your Voice and Giving It Flight
Jeddy drops one of his most inspiring spoken word pieces, then explores why we don’t need clarity on life purpose or direction in order to find our voices. Speaking into the pain, challenge, and heartbreak happens to be the exact thing needed to transform and grow....
MMM 078 – The Slow Burn
Our dreams and visions won’t manifest without PATIENCE. Jeddy drops wisdom straight from the sacred fire and reminds us to play the long game. Life is a journey and process, and no heroic feat will be accomplished in one fell swoop. Your victories will be the...
MMM 077 – Call To Action
Class warfare, hypocritical politicians, and greedy elites are emblems of our age. But how helpful is it to focus on those issues? Jeddy inspires us to put aside differences, embrace forgiveness, and find unity. Show Notes: Drop the blame, and seek solutions Do we...
MMM 076 – Answering The Call
Millions of men feel a deep yearning to serve but don’t know how to start. Jeddy offers his wisdom on hearing the subtle messages and tapping into our highest vision. The solution is never as far away as it may seem. “I am more than my pain. More than my struggles....
MMM 075 – The Harsh Truth
One of the masculine’s greatest medicines is the ability to be brutally honest . We are all familiar with the shadow side of this gift, which is manifests as verbal attacks, calling out, and humiliation. In secure, initiated circles of men like ours, this doesn’t...
MMM 074 – Man’s First Medicine
Open relating and transparent sharing are essential elements to the Rising Man Movement. Finding the courage to communicate our deepest desires, fears, and emotions often leads to huge breakthroughs. This medicine is so simple and basic, but often overlooked, as the...
MMM 073 – Curiosity Is The Cure For Judgement
Judgements are a natural reaction to situations where we feel wronged in some way. The initiated man feels those judgements arise, and then moves on, into a place of neutrality. Sure, our judgements might be true to some extent, but do we have all the facts? Are there...
MMM 072 – Nature’s Clock
Extended time away from technology is a surefire, natural way to de-stress. Artificial lights, EMF waves, and other modern norms inflict a quiet toll on our bodies. The sun, stars, and ground provide ancient tech to keep our bodies finely tuned to their pristine...
MMM 071 – When Patience Calls
PATIENCE is a virtue, but COMMITMENT is a superpower. It’s a topic that will never get old, as commitment is the heart of the masculine adventure. When we are committed to our mission, ourselves, and our people, there are no choices. While we are firm on our word,...