One of the masculine’s greatest medicines is the ability to be brutally honest . We are all familiar with the shadow side of this gift, which is manifests as verbal attacks, calling out, and humiliation. In secure, initiated circles of men like ours, this doesn’t happen. Instead, we are straightforward and bluntly honest with one another, and lead with love, curiosity, and a deep desire to see our fellow brothers rise into their highest destiny. It takes immense courage to fully receive the explicit truth, and is remarkably helpful in transformation.

Show Notes:

  • There is no better time to surround yourself with like minded community
  • We’re all fighting demons, but are we all getting help?
  • The mirrors edge is an uncomfortable place
  • We are excavators seeking the truth, no matter how ugly or rough
  • Truth is not personal
  • What we judge ourselves on is not a unique characterization
  • Creating space and being seen is the best medicine
  • Being called forward is one of the highest expressions of love