MMM 130 – Trusting Your Instincts
Do you trust your gut or do you spend days searching for the right answer? The gut’s choice often requires faith and trust in the growth process, making it less comfortable than what makes logical sense. Jeddy makes the case for trusting your instincts in today’s...
MMM 129 – How To Get Yourself Out Of Overwhelm
Overwhelm naturally occurs anytime we set our sights on a huge mission. When we feel buried by to-do’s and other pressures, progress is impossible. By taking action on the biggest stressors, we open up space for growth to prevail. Listen in as Jeddy prescribes the...
MMM 128 – Breaking The Stalemate With Your Partner and Leading Back to Love
Do you care more about deepening a connection or being right? Jeddy educates us on the tried and true approach to breaking a stalemate, which includes always leading with humility and having the willingness to go first. It’s not just about making peace, it’s about...
MMM 127 – Why Men Are Afraid Of Conflict
Do you fear conflict because you are worried about disturbing the peace? At what cost are you biting your tongue? With a growth-first attitude, disagreements can lead to more authentic relations and be an evolutionary catalyst. Click play and hear Jeddy’s rewarding...
MMM 126 – Regaining Momentum and Avoiding The Shame Spiral
Don’t let a single mistake ruin a commitment. Lapses in judgement happen, but our response to that slip-up needs to be intentional in order to regain momentum. Listen in for Jeddy’s grounded advice on how to conduct ourselves after a miscue and avoid the sticky shame...
MMM 125 – Lead With Emotion Instead Of Letting Your Emotions Lead You
We can’t control our emotions, but we can harness their energy constructively. By creating space between ourselves and the feeling, and by naming the emotion, we regain inner sovereignty. Jeddy breaks down the key steps and practices needed for emotional mastery in...
MMM 124 – The 3 Step System For Becoming A Man Of Integrity
A man of integrity is not made overnight. He is forged over time, growing each time he honors a commitment or acts with impeccability. There is a tried and true path to masculine mastery, which you’ll learn in today’s Monday Morning Meditation.Show Notes: Why...
MMM 123 – I’m Not Here To Judge You
Expressing your truth is essential while walking the Rising Man path. There will be fear of judgement, and worries that no one else will understand. Jeddy breaks down why these concerns are false and how to own your truth, no matter how messy. “By choosing...
MMM 122 – Embrace The Hard Work and Get Your Hands Dirty
The greatest and most joyous life experiences require time and effort. Hard work gets a bad rap, but a healthy perspective is possible - as you’ll learn in this episode. Are you an active participant in building a life of abundance, or are you perpetuating stale...
MMM 121 – Don’t Make Me Your Guru: Unlocking Your True Inner Wisdom
All too often, we mistake some influencer’s or coach’s opinion as the TRUTH. Relying on external sources for truth has its drawbacks, which you’ll learn in this episode. Listen in, as Jeddy encourages us to reclaim our throne as the author of our own realities. Show...
MMM 120 – 5 Ways To Regulate A High Sex Drive
“Mastering your sexual energy is learning to direct it with clear intention and purity of heart” A man’s sexual energy is his greatest gift. We’ve been conditioned to believe that sex or masturbation are the only uses of this energy. Jeddy shares practices that can...
MMM 119 – Why The Need To Be Right Is Poisoning Your Relationships
Is your need to be right stronger than your desire for harmonious relationships? While the choice seems obvious, a primitive part of our brain craves being the “correct” one. Jeddy breaks down how to cultivate trust and respect in relationships by dropping the need to...
MMM 118 – Man’s Journey From Head To Heart
Unresolved emotions won’t simply disappear one day. They will plague your existence until you meet the uncomfortability head on. If you find yourself caught in stagnant webs of logical thoughts and beliefs, listen in and learn how to live from YOUR HEART. Show Notes:...
MMM 117 – Why Men Get Jealous
“A man’s power comes from unconditional certainty and trust in himself” While jealousy will naturally arise, we have incredible control over what we do with those protective feelings and emotions. Jeddy shares why getting curious about your jealousy is the best course...
MMM 116 – Planting Seeds Without Tasting The Fruit
Are you prepared to give, without expecting reciprocation? Trust that, with pure intentions, your actions and words will make an impact. Listen in and learn how to drop the need for validation, and act in the name of service.Show Notes: Are you willing to plant seeds...