Remembering How To Have Fun

Remembering How To Have Fun

“If I don’t prioritize joy, it’s going to a boring and serious life”Lightheartedness and laughter are largely forgotten masculine medicines. We talk a lot about discipline and honing your edge, but BALANCING these more serious pursuits with FUN is crucial to...

Why The Absence Of Masculinity Is Toxic

Why The Absence Of Masculinity Is Toxic

“The balance of masculinity and femininity is what allows life to perpetuate”With the term toxic masculinity becoming a household phrase, are there unintended consequences of its popularity? Jeddy shares the subconscious power that society and language have over young...

A Message For Moments of Fear & Doubt

A Message For Moments of Fear & Doubt

“You’re Gonna Find A Way Through”Everyone of us has navigated extremely difficult times! Does that mountain feel as overwhelming now as it did then? Impeccable self-belief and TRUST in the universe are huge aspects in this journey. Listen in for Jeddy’s roadmap to...

The Top Benefits of Seasonal Fasting

The Top Benefits of Seasonal Fasting

"What's your awareness around your motivation for food?"Have you ever skipped a meal? Gone a day without food? Fasting has been a huge part of man’s ability to obtain more self control. A huge part of why I fast is the awareness and clarity it gives my life. Listen...

Can YOU Count On You?

Can YOU Count On You?

“If you can’t count on you, why should anyone else?”If trust is the most foundational currency on the planet, then SELF-TRUST matters more than anything. Learn how to cultivate this precious resource and watch your self-confidence rise!   REFLECTION QUESTION:...

Focus: The Untapped Goldmine

Focus: The Untapped Goldmine

“Attention is our most precious resource”With the 24 hours news cycle and multitude of social media options, our attention is in high demand. Having the ability to tune in to ONE area and devote ourselves fully is paramount to high achievement. Listen in and learn how...

It’s Lonely At The Top

It’s Lonely At The Top

“Society Wants You To Play Small”Most people don’t want to initiate the hard conversations, wake up at 5am, or implement that grueling workout routine… Are you most people? People will also try to pull you down as you step into your purpose. There’s an unconscious...

What To Do When You Feel Defensive

What To Do When You Feel Defensive

“Because I haven’t addressed that issue yet, it feels like something I want to put space around.”What’s the common denominator for feeling triggered? Getting clear on WHY we feel defensive is at the heart of understanding and moving past this emotion. Listen in and...

ONE Thing You MUST Do To Win The Day

ONE Thing You MUST Do To Win The Day

“There’s no excuse - it doesn’t have to be a huge production.”Do you start each morning with an intentional practice? It doesn’t need to be an elaborate, time consuming act but WINNING starts with how you BEGIN! Listen in and learn the keys to designing a practice...

Getting Over The Comparison Game

Getting Over The Comparison Game

“Your Way Is The Way” Coveting what someone else has achieved is a recipe for GETTING STUCK. How can you trust your inner guidance and do it YOUR WAY? Listen in for the keys to staying focused on your own path!   REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you fixated on someone...

Comfort: The Silent Killer

Comfort: The Silent Killer

“Comfort is not the natural normal human condition”Is constantly seeking comfort setting you up to WIN when adversity strikes? Instead of craving comfort, intentionally seek out challenge. Get comfortable with the unknown, not your couch!   REFLECTION QUESTION: ...

The Formula For Human Fulfillment – With A Twist!

The Formula For Human Fulfillment – With A Twist!

"Leverage Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for the Greater Good of ALL"How is prolonged adolescence affecting young men? With depression and loneliness afflicting legions of men, creating brotherhood and community is more important now more than ever. Using Maslow’s...

Team Spirit: Why Your Life Is Bigger Than Just YOU

Team Spirit: Why Your Life Is Bigger Than Just YOU

“The highest performing teams are built upon a culture of being ALL IN TOGETHER”What does it mean to be on a men’s team? It’s when men come together in DEDICATED SERVICE to help each other become the highest version of themselves. You can only go so far alone - to...

A Twist On Man’s Pursuit Of Freedom

A Twist On Man’s Pursuit Of Freedom

“A man can only experience freedom when he’s fully dedicated to what he’s creating in the world.”Can too many options be crippling? Men typically avoid commitments because they fear a ball and chain… but in my experience commitments actually CREATE freedom. It might...

Navigating Ego & The Need for Significance

Navigating Ego & The Need for Significance

“A strong ego can either give life to a leader or be the death of his team” World class leaders prioritize SERVICE above all! It’s easier said than done, as the desire to be seen as more significant and above others WILL arise. Jeddy shares the keys to striking that...