We Are All Leaders
“The longer we delay embracing the responsibility of leadership, the less prepared we are as a people.”How well equipped are you to MOVE & BLEND with the adversity that comes your way? Leadership isn’t only for those at the top of their chain of command at work -...
The Cost Of Living In The Grey
“You won’t hit the mark if you never establish one”Failures are building blocks on the path to mastery! Finding perspective in the moment of perceived failure isn’t easy, but is one of the most transformational choices available. Living WITHOUT clarity and direction...
Are You Wrong AND Late?
“Don’t count yourself out of the game”Making declarative statements about WHO WE ARE based on a perceived misstep is a recipe for a life of misery! Getting 100% intentional about how we talk to ourselves is KEY to living in our full power and brilliance. One of the...
23 Tips To Overcome Addiction & Avoidant Behaviors In 2023
“Go out and help someone, then watch how fast the story in your heads shifts”When we’re in the throes of addiction and isolation it can be hard to see a solution - BUT THEY EXIST! It might require us to ask for support, finally have that difficult conversation, or...
The Polarity Of Vision
What does vision truly mean to a man?A true vision can’t become a reality unless we hold down both the masculine and feminine dynamics! Balancing creation with doing is the key - as most men gravitate towards one and neglect the other. Click play for Jeddy’s insights...
Willpower Will Only Get You So Far
“Get curious about the compulsive patterns!”Do you want to show up as an authentic leader and an example for others? It requires getting uncomfortable and facing off with what we are avoiding! Willpower is a special gift, yet on its own it can’t lead to the...
The Day I Took Charge Of My Own Destiny
“How could I possibly keep doing this thing that I’m doing?”Sweeping aside the victim story and standing tall in my purpose was the most empowering decision I ever made! And, wiping ass was a MAJOR motivator, as you’ll comically learn. Let the challenges of today be a...
My 10 Biggest Lessons from 10 Years of Committed Partnership
Partnership and intimacy are beautiful gifts AND often present significant challenges. Being prepared for these inevitable trials is essential for sustaining passionate & harmonious relations! TUNE IN as I share my 10 BIGGEST LESSONS from 10 years of committed partnership.
The 3 Keys to Getting in the Driver Seat of YOUR LIFE!!!
“Identify what is out of your control and make peace with it”The victim story is as EASY as point and blame! Living out the Hero’s story requires willpower, patience, and ultimate self-responsibility, something few dare to cultivate. Jeddy shares his 3 keys for making...
Ultimate Self-Trust
“There’s more uncertainties than guarantees on the road to fulfilling a purpose”Knowing deep down that you will be okay after falling is paramount for living on your edge. If you never charge into the unknown, you’ll never know what you’re made of. Listen in for...
The Shame Spiral
“Shame keeps you right where you are, but there’s always an opportunity for correction” Sequestering yourself in a shame spiral is an unconscious safety seeking strategy. What can you do to get yourself back to equilibrium? I introduce how integrity and self-love can...
I’m In An Abusive Relationship…With Myself!
“I thought I was doing my best but really I was beating myself down”Men will treat others with kindness and understanding yet harbor intense judgments upon themselves. This unhealthy and unhelpful tendency to beat oneself down often perpetuates because no one is there...
The 5 Keys to Making Massive Impact & Having the Life of Your Dreams
“Your hands can’t hit what your eyes can’t see!”Are you content with the level of impact you are having in the world? If you are like me, there’s a hunger to SERVE MORE! I share my top five KEYS for delivering massive impact and creating the life of your dreams in...
The ABC’s For Surviving Real Life Storms
“The moment I reached out for help, groundedness returned.”Unexpected obstacles are unavoidable! Focusing on WHO we become in these pivotal moments is the growth-oriented pursuit. The victim story keeps us in the muck and mire, trying asking: “What influence do I have...
Dealing With Fear & The Survival Response
“Anytime my system feels unsafe it will look for ways to reintroduce safety”HOW we re-establish safety to our nervous systems is an area primed for internal study. Do you intentionally offer yourself compassion and understanding? Or is there a subconscious pattern...