“Listen to the ancient voices and go forward with that understanding and respect for who has been here before you.” Honoring Indigenous Heart Medicine with Ivan Sawyer García...
“Death is not a punishment for being alive” To Live Is To Risk with Kale Ka’alekahi https://chtbl.com/track/1194D5/traffic.libsyn.com/therisingmanpodcast/210_Kale_-_audio_Master.mp3 Download Episode Can you slow down to the speed of wisdom? Nature has medicine...
“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” Flow With The Earth’s Regenerative Cycles with Julian Guderley https://chtbl.com/track/1194D5/traffic.libsyn.com/therisingmanpodcast/209_Julian_Guderly_-_Audio_Master.mp3 Download Episode Living in harmony with nature’s cycles was...