Planning For Perfection Is Preparing For Failure

Planning For Perfection Is Preparing For Failure

“There is a key combination of being a strategic planner as well as adaptable, fluid and able to accept change.” Have you ever made such a detailed plan where you made sure everything would be perfect? It might have been a birthday, a special event, or even your...

Preparing The Body For Battle

Preparing The Body For Battle

“When there is a crisis and everyone is panicking, people will gravitate to the body that has put in the most reps.”There is always the unknown, things around the corner that you can’t see coming. How do you prepare for the unexpected? In this episode I share why you...

Evicting The Voices In Your Head

Evicting The Voices In Your Head

“Take a look at your life and identify the people that trigger you, then see if you can reestablish a boundary”Have you noticed it only takes ONE nasty comment to completely derail your day? Even with tons of positive support, we tend to fixate on that singular point...

Slow Down To The Speed Of Wisdom

Slow Down To The Speed Of Wisdom

“Nature’s rhythm awaits your attunement”You can’t hear your internal guidance with 30 apps and tabs open! There’s a PACE OF LIFE outside the hustle culture that many of us have completely normalized. There’s no replacement for Nature’s gift of stillness - so get out...

Not All Shame Is Bad

Not All Shame Is Bad

“No one goes through life without making a huge misstep”Can shame be an instrument of awareness, rather than diminishing and manipulative? What we make shame mean is an incredibly important question, one that doesn’t get enough consideration. Listen in for Jeddy’s...

Righteousness & I Told You So Energy

Righteousness & I Told You So Energy

Have you ever said “I told you so” to someone else that did not listen to your idea, judgment or point of view?  The “I told you so” energy comes from an underlying insecurity and needing to be validated. Think about a time where you told everyone to listen to you,...

How To Avoid The Comparison Game

How To Avoid The Comparison Game

“Write the rules of the game & set yourself up to WIN”Have you caught yourself scrolling on social media comparing yourself to others? Unchecked, this very common unconscious practice leads to all kinds of negative side effects. Why do we even have these thoughts...

Leave Your Sword At The Door

Leave Your Sword At The Door

“The home is a sanctuary - an honorable man wields his warrior spirit responsibly.”Before we are accountable for our masculine power we must KNOW our fierce side. Having a place to EXPRESS inner turmoil is vital - the sword is easier left at the door when its energy...

How To Survive Missing The Mark

How To Survive Missing The Mark

“If you want to raise the bar high, you have to be willing and able to tolerate failure”Failure is a requirement for growth while self-deprecating talk and shame STUNT IT! Coming into right relations with these principles makes all the difference for true...

The Mirror Of The Martial Arts

The Mirror Of The Martial Arts

“If you are determined to grow, you have to be willing to look in the mirror”How we perceive ourselves is an all-important inquiry that too many men ignore. The martial arts are an immensely helpful practice, as how we show up in a fight is one of the most raw mirrors...

Hitting Life’s Checkpoints

Hitting Life’s Checkpoints

“The key lesson is to never give up because every attempt gets you closer and closer to your goal” Have you ever played a video game and had to overcome a major boss battle that was so challenging that you had to keep dying and dying, failing over and over again? In...

Purpose Given Vs. Purpose Pursued

Purpose Given Vs. Purpose Pursued

“We look at our children with infinite possibility but how do we expect them to be able to shape their own lives?”Does society expect young people to know their life path too soon? These expectations have far reaching implications as many men struggle to transcend...

Claiming Authority In Your Life

Claiming Authority In Your Life

“Parents naturally hold their children’s authority while they mature - have you RECLAIMED yours yet?”All too often men give away their authority to an “expert” OR they refuse to let anyone else in. There’s a middle ground here where others’ opinions matter but only in...

The Power Of Humility

The Power Of Humility

"No matter how much you’ve learned, everyone can teach you something”Are you placing others above or below you? This prevents authentic relations - as uneven an dynamic destroys connection. True humility is having the capacity to see the wisdom and strength in EVERY...

You Are What You Practice

You Are What You Practice

“With every action I take I’m practicing something”Do you want to repeat habits or forge a new pathway? How you decide on this critical question sets the tone and direction of your life - so choose intentionally! Listen in as I share the blueprint for aligning our...