Teacher, writer, and speaker, Rainier Wylde, offers profound wisdom on the state of humanity. We dive into the power of community and examine what principles make for a successful tribe. As loneliness and suicidality plague modern man, this topic is extremely important and shows us a better way forward. We also discuss why society is crumbling and how to use story for greater connection.


  • Why stories have a unique ability to connect us.
  • How did humanity find itself in its current predicament?
  • Does society condition us to be loners?
  • What’s the difference between force and power?
  • Why each community member must take their inner work seriously.
  • How can we view the crumbling of society as a positive?



Connect with Rainier Wylde:


Book | As You Are: Meditations on Self and Other


Instagram | @rainierwylde