“The cringe is just a load of BS, it’s society trying to tell you who you should be.”

Ben Bidwell is a mindset coach, author, and speaker dedicated to stripping the masks of masculinity and mental health. Today’s authentic conversation focuses on the power of vulnerability and its ability to create intimacy. We also cover why to take heartfelt action rather than conforming, how to move past the fear of not knowing, and why self-understanding is foundational to happiness. 


  • How can we navigate periods of uncertainty?
  • Why vulnerability leads to greater connection and trust.
  • The difference between what you think and what you know.
  • Why the leader in the room is the one willing to go the deepest.
  • How can we simultaneously be completely vulnerable and maintain our masculine edge?
  • Does needing to know the future hold us back?
  • Why fear prevents us from being present to the moment.
  • How can we lean into the aspects of masculinity that scare us the most?
  • Who do I want to be and who do I need to be?


Connect with Ben Bidwell:

Instagram | @thenakedprofessor