John Beede shares his harrowing experiences and life-altering insights from summiting mountains on all 7 continents. Mountaineering has given John unique and ultra valuable lessons on death, goal setting, and empowerment. John sees many men entering the same toxic patterns of repression and concealment, and has made it his mission to offer men a new strategy for dealing with inner pain. We also talk about how to utilize the medicine wheel and why our perspective on death dictates our quality of life.


Show Notes:

  • Why an integrated man overflows with VALUE
  • Is there a stage between boyhood and manhood?
  • How the medicine wheel and seasonality can inform us on our journey
  • How John’s mountaineering experiences shaped his outlook on life
  • John’s accomplishment of summiting 7 mountains on 7 continents.
  • Why we often need a wakeup call in order to step up our game
  • How we can transform our relationship to dying
  • John’s experience with PTSD from witnessing death
  • What Jeddy teaches his children about death
  • How do men typically deal with their inner pain? What is a better method?
  • Why being in a space with grounded, seasoned men creates safety for expression
  • The differences between wallowing and pro-actively making changes
  • How to embody more Clint Eastwood energy 
  • Why the unclear definition of manhood offers an opportunity to change culture
  • How can a man prove himself?
  • Why support and mentorship are ABSOLUTELY vital to mastery

Connect with John Beede:


Book | “The Warrior Challenge” 

Website | – For climbing expedition documentaries or take his courses!