Today’s solocast comes straight from the heart. Jeddy demonstrates what he teaches by sharing his truth, despite the discomfort and fear of judgement. He speaks to the dynamics at the core of all of the hot button issues, including climate change and protests. He also shares his approach to dealing with conflict and disagreement, perspectives gained from ceremony and Native American principles, and his remedy to selfish behavior. 


Show Notes:

  • Does a traditional upbringing prepare children for adversity?
  • How to stay humble when you start to become well known
  • Is integrity a fixed property?
  • Why there must be death for life to continue
  • Why the Western world is so uncomfortable with death
  • Are you fooling yourself into believing distractions are something greater?
  • Why taking action on creating a sustainable world is a top priority
  • Why making selfish decisions is natural, but needs to be examined
  • Why grief is essential in moving from problem to solution
  • Are you willing to make sacrifices in the name of something greater?
  • Simple precepts from Native American teachings
  • Who do you become when in conflict and disagreement?
  • Why Love and Connection are available at all times
  • Why just talking isn’t enough