Feeling restless is simply your soul saying YOU ARE MEANT FOR MORE. This cosmic call means you have untapped potential, and is a nudge to connect to a higher purpose. Kevin Sweeney knows this restless feeling well, as his initiation into manhood led him into deep darkness and despair. After a series of transcendental experiences, he implemented massive changes in his life. Now, he’s the pastor at the Imagine Church in Hawaii, and provides men and women with a loving, healing community. 


Show Notes:

  • Why a man sees responsibility as an opportunity to enhance freedom
  • Are your challenges in the way or on the way?
  • Why we feel restless when we aren’t living our purpose
  • What principles Kevin has built his church around
  • Why being present is more difficult than doing
  • Why Kevin’s podcast is named “The Church Needs Therapy”
  • Kevin’s philosophy as a pastor
  • Why an illusion is a false belief about the future
  • Can mushrooms be missionaries?
  • Why pure and direct experiences of spirit, light, and love are more powerful than a belief
  • Is it more important that you are right or that you are being real?
  • Why the light has the ability for the truth of your light to emerge
  • How to enter a conversation about religion without triggering defensive systems
  • Why we need to be flexible and adaptable with belief systems to continue our evolution
  • Why masculinity is intimately linked with power and control
  • Kevin’s advice for taking off “golden handcuffs”
  • How many times do you need to experience the same thing before you realize it’s not good for you?
  • “Restlessness will emerge when you’re not living with the kind of courage you need, to allow the truth of your own voice to emerge” – Kevin Sweeney
  • Why what you do flows out of who you are

Connect with Kevin Sweeney:


Instagram | @kevinsweeney1 & @imaginehi


Website | Imagine Church 


Podcast | “The Church Needs Therapy”