RMP 132 - How To Cultivate Community & Brotherhood with Emiliano Acevedo

Tribe and community are deep seated needs within the human genetic code. As one of Jeddy’s closest friends, today’s guest Emiliano Acevedo offers a glimpse into Jeddy’s past and explains how brotherhood was vital for them both. By working tenaciously towards self sufficiency, economic freedom, and communal living for a dozen years, Emiliano is able to offer us masculine and tribe forming wisdom. We also talk about birthing a vision, re-writing old stories of self, and the universal need for community.

Show Notes:

  • How prison inspired Emiliano to re-write his life’s narrative
  • Why we periodically need to adjust our visions, plans, and goals
  • How to allow life to unfold in rhythm
  • Are you willing to be wrong about your story of self?
  • Why tribe and community are an intrinsic need for us all
  • How an adventurous lifestyle opens us up to new perspectives, and the challenges faced when trying to implement those lessons into a sustainable way of living
  • Why the masculine doesn’t require pre-existing blueprints, we CREATE the way
  • How to respectfully honor our desires and those of the collective
  • Why inner perspectives often shift and change under the surface before we see external results
  • Why the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
  • Why Resiliency and Tenacity are pillars of masculine medicine