We can’t force our way out of suffering. But, we can TRANSCEND it by facing fear head on. Justin Patrick Pierce expands on this concept with profound depth and presence. As a world-renowned intimacy coach, he has led countless men on the journey to discover their INHERENT transcendent natures. We also talk about why the universe gifts us greater responsibility, how to avoid numbing out, and why transcendence is simpler than the mind likes to make it.

Show Notes:

  • “Because it’s not my reality, doesn’t mean it’s not my responsibility” – Justin Patrick Pierce
  • Why we receive more responsibilities as we become more conscious 
  • When a man learns to identify as any energy, he will naturally manifest its attributes
  • Why receptivity is a masculine characteristic 
  • Why our culture promotes numbing out
  • There is no action we need to take to find our masculine – it’s about presence
  • When our minds are racing and we are out of presence – we are not giving our masculine gift to the world. 
  • If we simply focus on consciousness and presence, the rest of it will take care of itself. 
  • Walking a conscious path means you will encounter more opportunities to be more so. 
  • What is required to not choose suffering is far more profound and simple than most of us understand”
  • What is the difference between pain and suffering?
  • “Everything that makes up me is always changing”
  • Where there is “another”, fear arises
  • Why letting the path reveal itself is the key to happiness
  • Justin’s experience learning from David Deida
  • The differences between spiritual & karmic purposes

Connect with Justin Patrick Pierce:

Facebook Group | Yoga of Intimacy

Website | Justinpatrickpierce.com – Event dates, media appearances, and coaching information

Instagram | @justinpatrickpierce