As the creator of Black Man Now, Eric Payton is leading the effort to bring more Black men into men’s work. All communities and walks of life benefit from dropping their masks and authentically sharing. Pain doesn’t care about race, it is affecting us all. The more we unite and realize our commonalities, the deeper this brotherhood becomes. We also cover why many white men are confused by racial conversations, how to reconstruct our mindset, and why loving people is necessary to lead.


Show Notes:

  • A boy is finding himself, while a man IS HIMSELF – Whole & Healed
  • Black Man Now – Eric’s organization where men from all walks of life unite and drop their masks
  • How a racial profiling incident led Eric to create Black Man Now
  • Is the men’s work space inviting to Black men?
  • Why freeing yourself from shame is a GAME CHANGER
  • Why you can’t be a leader if you don’t love people
  • “The Work” – Documentary about imprisoned men coming together to heal
  • Why pain doesn’t care about race
  • You don’t know what you don’t know – especially when it comes to history – RESEARCH & EDUCATE!
  • Why we often project how others healing processes “should” look
  • Why many white men are confused about how to proceed in this racial dialog
  • How we can reconstruct our perceptions and minds in order to move forward.

Connect With Eric:

He hosts local events for men in the L.A. Area!! Follow on social media for updates


Personal Instagram | @e.payton

Black Man Now Instagram |


Personal Facebook | Eric Payton

Black Man Now Facebook | Black Man Now