“I’d rather fall down my way, of my own doing, than follow the default path”

Conforming to expectations and following the beaten path are among the most tragic pitfalls a man can make. Our guest, Rowan Tyne, is not afraid to blaze his own trail and make mistakes in the name of growth. His wild journey includes completing the first ever Compass Vision Fast, co-founding Wayfinders Media, and filming in the Himalayas. His mission is to help other men CONNECT – to their core, to their communities, and to Nature. We also cover how to change your relationship with darkness, why the comfortable life is dangerous, and what initiation can unlock within.  

Show Notes:

  • Why manhood is a spectrum, not a final destination
  • Why are we continually looking forward to our next stage of life?
  • Are you so focused on where you are going that relationships suffer?
  • Rowan’s lessons from deciding to bypass traditional university in favor of education by fire
  • Why do we associate acceptance and belonging with taking the conventional path?
  • Find Your Way – It will feel right to YOU, it doesn’t need to please others
  • Why men box themselves into dark corners, often due to societally programmed beliefs
  • Before we can connect and serve others, we need to learn WHO WE ARE. 
  • The extra challenges of dealing with darkness and adversity while on the road
  • “I’d rather fall down my way, of my own doing, than follow the default path”
  • Why it’s more dangerous to be comfortable than to experience extreme emotions
  • Is the darkness dangerous or fertile?
  • Why wishing away the darkness may not be the best approach
  • If I die today, can I say that I made a positive impact?
  • Purpose is ever evolving, you don’t simply declare it once. 
  • The power of being witnessed and welcomed by a group of initiated men
  • By overcommitting, we are actually under-committing, because nothing gets our full power and attention.


Connect with Rowan:

Facebook: Rowan Tyne

Instagram @rowantyne

Website: WayfindersMedia.com – His media company dedicated to creating high quality content with heart centered leaders