RMP 118 - Welcome Death With Radical Hospitality with Stephen Jenkinson

“Dying is not what happens to you, dying is what you do”

We are blessed to have the highly esteemed culture activist and author, Stephen Jenkinson, on the RMP. We are grateful for such a dignified elder to join us, as it makes for a one-of-a-kind episode. He shares his soul on all things DEATH, including what it’s like to serve those close to passing, how to die well, and the deeply informed masculine response to calamity.

Show Notes:

  • Stephen’s experience and insights from serving those who are close to passing
  • Why boyhood is inevitable, while manhood must be earned and bestowed upon by elders
  • What happens when the community can’t reliably lean upon it’s men?
  • Why globalization is a war against indigenousity, specificity, and those focused on raising consciousness
  • We’ve been benefiting from Earth for ages, is it finally time to give back?
  • The manhood question: In a time of trouble, what is the deeply informed masculine response?
  • We are a result of our ancestors, and are far more resilient than we can remember
  • “Learning the language of your ancestors is one of the ways that you can give love to what you say you love” – Stephen Jenkinson
  • Our culture pretends to understand the universe/God, though it’s a mystery to us all.
  • What does “dying well” mean?
  • All life takes place under the deified presence of Death
  • When dying comes, it’s a companion. Our moral obligation is to be radically hospitable.
  • How to sustain the life of the one who comes to call
  • Why a hollow sense of pride commonly resides where the heart should be

Connect with Stephen:

Website: Orphanwisdom.com – Check out his books, updates on his Covid-affected ‘Nights of Grief & Mystery” World Tour, sign up for his newsletter, and find other links!!