RMP 112 - Shatter The Illusion Of Powerlessness with Goa Lobaugh

Through years of honest inquiry and exploration, Goa Lobaugh has honed his gifts and superpowers in the realms of the unseen. His wizard-like perceptions and explanations of subtle spiritual principles makes for an exceptional interview. His primary message is one of inner authority, a reminder that any sense of victimhood is a belief system that can be transformed.  We also cover topics such as fully experiencing rage, grounding our raw masculine power, and identifying collectively imprinted beliefs.

Show Notes:

  • Deeply experiencing our rage and anger is a key stage in masculine development
  • How our collective conditioning leads to many dis-empowering belief systems 
  • In order to truly listen to your body, you must slow the mind and body. 
  • How important is physical strength and power to being a fully integrated man?
  • What role does pacifism play in men’s work?
  • Examples of ways to access, identify, and ground our raw power
  • How to find your super powers i.e. a smart mind, strategist, artist, workhorse, early bird, relationship builder
  • The community component of all transformational work can’t be overstated
  • How many of our thoughts are actually from the collective?
  • Why choosing a new name has the potential to bring about changes in our character
  • The differences between a solo adventure and “lone wolfing it”
  • The importance of fire in our lives, and in Jeddy’s programming
  • Sovereignty is living from our own internal authority 
  • The role of human design in self mastery
  • Energetic hygiene – clear what doesn’t belong and taking responsibility for what is ours
  • Every human is equally valuable to the collective
  • We are all broken, and we don’t mend until we remember that we are unbreakable.


Connect with Goa:

Find his Facebook page – Midnight Lotus Mystery School –  a place to expand your awareness and learn practical skills in the realm of energetic healing and spiritual understanding. Also offering private sessions, workshops, empowerments, clearings and guidance.