We all yearn for a soul mate, a relationship that will fulfill our deepest desires. But how clear are we on what that partnership will look like? Creating crystal clear standards on what we want is the key to manifesting our dream partner.



  • Why doubts naturally arise before we make any large decision, especially in relationships.
  • We have high expectations on what we would like from a partnership, but how SPECIFIC are we being?
  • How knowing what you want will save time, energy, and heartbreak in the long run.
  • Why we should consider any potential partner’s values, beliefs and vision for their life.
  • The importance of creating crystal clear standards.
  • How our standards give us a filter to view any prospective mate.
  • Why settling for someone who fits most of the boxes is rooted in scarcity consciousness.
  • The dangers of entering a relationship expecting the other person to change later.
  • How to wait patiently for that special somebody in an empowered way.
  • Our standards must be honest, non negotiable, and specific
  • Leave a video in the Rising Man Facebook group about how this process went for you.


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