“The real measure of a man is how he attacks the ONE thing he does NOT want to do” – John Somerville. Fear appears in our lives in the form of resistance, urging us to stay in our comfort zones at all costs. Beyond the resistance is phenomenal growth, but how do we override the safety-seeking programming that’s been uploaded into our hard drives?



“The real measure of a man is how he attacks the ONE thing he does NOT want to do” – John Somerville

* “The War of Art” by Stephen Pressfield

   * Where does resistance come from?

  * No man is immune to his own resistance

  * Strategies and tips for rising above our resistances


The role of ego and fear

* Why is there a part of us that seems to self-sabotage?

  * Survival, protection, belonging

* How do ego and fear show up?

  * “I don’t want to look bad” = afraid of failure

  * “I don’t know what I’m doing” = too proud to ask for help

  * “This is going to be hard” = comfort seeking

  * Vices, distractions, etc. = i.e. “comfort food”


How can we override the safety-seeking, comfort programming that’s been uploaded into our hard drives?

  * Prioritize the ONE thing that moves the needle forward every day (Gary Keller, Preston Smiles)

  * Share your process out loud with others you trust

      * Resistance, ego voice…the RAW truth

  * Connect back to your vision and what you REALLY want

  * Declare your commitment out loud: “I am committed to…”

      * Maybe it’s starting your first YouTube channel, or applying for that promotion, or finding your life partner



* For ONE week, start your day with the ONE thing you DON’T want to do that moves the needle forward in your life

  * What are you resisting the most that you KNOW will make your life better, easier, more effective (short term & long term)?

  * Observe and reflect upon how you feel when you identify the ONE thing and how you feel upon completing it

  * Share your reflections inside The Rising Man FB group

  * TAG me in the comments

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The Rising Man Facebook Group