Creating an honor code and system of values is a pivotal step in becoming a man. Sharing a collective code has the potential for an even greater impact. Jeddy has spent hundreds of hours diving into warrior codes and in this conversation with other men. He distilled that wisdom into the code that you are about to listen to. This is one you don’t want to miss – as these simple, powerful principles will drastically change your life, if you follow them relentlessly.

Show Notes:

  • Every warrior has a code of conduct and values
  • The men’s movement lacks a unified code – which inspired Jeddy to create the Way of the Rising Man.
    • He provides a safe space everywhere he goes.
    • He lives honorably even when no one is watching
    • He fights for a purpose greater than himself. 
    • If he doesn’t know that purpose, he fights to find it.
    • He is disciplined in actions and emotions.
    • He shows compassion to others and himself
    • He is a role model and leader for all

Reflection Questions:

  • What is the most important value to have as a man? 
  • What happens when you break the code?