Why Men Keep Failing To Understand Women

Why Men Keep Failing To Understand Women

“Can you hold containment, stay connected, and just listen?”Men are hardwired for SOLUTION. This beautiful gift of finding fixes isn’t always the right course of action when supporting another, particularly women. Deepening our understanding and leaning into curiosity...

Assertive Over Aggressive

Assertive Over Aggressive

“You can be assertive without being an asshole”We have all been the Mr. Nice Guy at one point or another, getting walked on by others and living in fear of rejection. There is skill and tact when it comes to being effective with establishing your boundaries. On one...

What To Do When You’re Being Tested

What To Do When You’re Being Tested

“Within the word authority is AUTHOR  - whose writing the story of you?”Every relationship, opportunity, and community WILL challenge you… What are you doing to prepare for those inevitable moments? I'm talking about exercise, meditation, anything that will increase...

There is a Tax on Everything

There is a Tax on Everything

“We are not limitless beings, there is only so much you can handle at one time.”It's a part of the human condition to choose the easy way out. Seeking the path of least resistance looks like always seeking for the short cut or cheat code to hack your way through. I...

When It’s Okay To Enter Survival Mode

When It’s Okay To Enter Survival Mode

“What if you just declared that you’re in survival mode?”You’ve been in survival mode before and lived to tell the tale - how did you navigate through it? As highly proactive people we are keen on crafting perfect routines and environments that support us to thrive,...

Did I Overreact to the Aaron Rodgers Injury?

Did I Overreact to the Aaron Rodgers Injury?

“Remember there's always a solution, a possibility, even in the face of adversity”Sports have a way of getting us to emotionally invest - including dramatic storylines, championship dreams, and inspirational peak performances. So much so that when your team loses or...

Understanding Leadership

Understanding Leadership

“The people who are leaders in the community are the ones who are grounded in who they are.”Picture yourself in a vast field, put a lot of people in this field standing there with a circle around them. You look down at yourself and notice you have a circle around you...

Healthy Combat

Healthy Combat

“Why is CHALLENGED one of the most uncomfortable feelings a man can face?”Most men have not recently experienced physical competition with another man. When adversity strikes, this lack of exposure will have ramifications. So what does healthy combat look like here...

Dropping The Ball Vs. Placing It Down

Dropping The Ball Vs. Placing It Down

“I believe the antidote for suffering is sacrifice”Ever been in a situation where you have so much going on and all of a sudden - your heart sinks as you remember some forgotten, unfulfilled task? As men we often stack our plates too high and inevitably drop the ball....

The Hidden Value of Mens Work

The Hidden Value of Mens Work

“The standard are the value of where mens work is”A standard is the metric we use to establish what one is committed to deliver. We all commit to being on time, ect. In order for us to help each other grow it is imperative to set the standards high even though we may...

The Men i’ve learned the most from

The Men i’ve learned the most from

“I have become the man that i am today by spending time around ordinary men who give a shit”You would be surprised that the men I have learned the most from have not been shamans, gurus, coaches. Rather they have been everyday “common” people like landscapers,...

Waiting To Be Rescued

Waiting To Be Rescued

“Just because you can't see the solution doesn't mean there isn't one.”Have you ever been in such a dilemma that you resorted to waiting around hoping someone would bail you out? I think we've all been there - but what happens when YOU ARE THE MAN others rely on for...

How To Be More Real In Your Communication

How To Be More Real In Your Communication

“If you only give surface level responses, you won’t develop trust and depth in your relationships”How many times a day do people ask you ”how ya doing”? What kind of answers do you usually give? Most of us are conditioned to be shallow in our communication because we...

Balancing High Performance With Humility & Grace

Balancing High Performance With Humility & Grace

“Lets have high standards and performance while also balancing humility and grace.”High performers have high standards, but as Kirk Cousins says, “We can drive ourselves crazy relentlessly pursuing perfection, but the key is to have those high standards while...