Episode 2: Living Your Legacy Now with JuVan Langford

Legacy: it’s more than something you pass on after you die, and it can be discovered in the way you live your life RIGHT NOW! Today’s guest, JuVan Langford, is an empowerment coach and global speaker. He shares his story of man’s search for meaning, community as the secret ingredient to success, and a different kind of wealth we can all create.


Topics Covered:

  • How to take care of the boy that lives inside every man
  • Becoming a man while being raised by women
  • A man’s search for what it is to be a man
  • How to live your legacy NOW before it’s too late
  • Why men need brotherhood and community to succeed in life
  • The value of mentorship
  • What most men misunderstand when it comes to their identity and being of service
  • Why we, as men, need to be honest about where we REALLY are in our lives
  • A different kind of wealth to pursue

Check out JuVan’s work @ www.juvanlangford.com

Instagram @juvanlangford

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