Life is unpredictable and is filled with uncertainty. When visioning, it’s vital to build in flexibility. The heart and engine of the vision should be firm, but allow the details and the “how” to unfold in time. Once we find that solid core vision, it becomes our True North, which we follow to our destiny.

Key Takeaways and Links:

  • Uncertainty and Unpredictability are part of the natural fabric of reality – yet we cling to the known
  • Where are you in life relative to what you planned? Are you leaving it all out on the field or are you playing it safe? What is my life about, what am I here for?
  • Why we distract ourselves when we don’t have a clear answer.
  • Vision is Fluid – ever dynamic and always evolving
  • How Jeddy’s earliest vision arrived
  • Create sustainable community of service to pass onto future generations
  • The only thing that matters is the big TRUTH you are living.

Reflection Questions

  • What is my life really about?
  • If you reduced your life down to one cause or reason what would that be?
  • Notice when you enter into the “how” of any plan.
  • The Soul doesn’t know logic, the Soul doesn’t speak the language of the ego
  • Share what’s coming up for you in the Facebook group or shoot Jeddy a message

Get hyped for the Elements Initiation! Next one will take place from the 18th to the 20th in January. More info here. 

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

Instagram @therisingmanpodcast

Instagram @jeddyazuma

The Rising Man Facebook Group