Knowing your place among these 3 states is vital contextual information in the journey of manhood. It requires a healthy sense of self-honesty to move into being a be-er. This final stage of mastery holds such commitment, that they go beyond even needing to try. Deep truth in this one, you won’t want to miss it. Tune in and RISE UP!


Show Notes:

  • Say-ers have great ideas, but never getting around to executing on them.
  • Having a great idea never changed the world – the implementation and expression of the idea is the gold.
  • As soon as we own our words, we become a do-er. 
  • Success is a habit, which is formed by repeated, specific action.
  • A do-er still has one level to go – by following the path of mastery.
  • A do-er has to choose, while the be-er has integrated with the practice
  • Say-ers are still deciding if they are dedicated enough to commit

Reflection Questions:

  • Where are you on this spectrum?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • Are you committed to moving forward in this process?