We are better men when we have a clean emotional slate and lead from a grounded state. How do we do that? For starters, we don’t bottle up emotions, find healthy practices to release, and allow ourselves to fully unravel. While feelings can seem like inconveniences that slow us down from living our purpose, they actually inform us about what we really care about. Listen in and hear Jeddy’s tips on feeling your feelings and finding your center!

Show Notes:

  • How to navigate emotional territory
  • How sitting in a Men’s Circle led to a revolutionary shift in Jeddy’s perception of emotions.
  • After we allow ourselves to fully unravel, then finds clarity in the aftermath.
  • Bottling up our feelings can lead to chronic physical issues
  • Conversely, we our led willy nilly from one emotional pole to the other without clear headed decision making
  • Emotions inform us about what we really care about
  • Scream into a pillow, cry it out, hit the punching bag, or find your own way to expend that energy. There is a physical release and expression that must happen.
  • Give yourself the gift of feeling your emotions.
  • We are better men when we have a clean emotional slate and lead from a grounded state
  • Rise up and claim your destiny!

Reflection Questions:

  • What is your relationship with emotions?
  • What strategies and outlets do you utilize when you feel overwhelmed?
  • Do you have an unconditionally loving and accepting emotional support system?