This title might sound inflammatory, but it’s true if we are committed to service  To deprive the world of our gifts is the most selfish thing any of us can do, especially when we do so to fulfill our own cravings. We all have our unique gifts and can influence the world in our own way. Nobody else has what you do. What would happen if you woke up and treated every encounter, every exchange, and every moment as though this were true?

Show Notes:

  • Did something come up or trigger you when you heard me say, “Your Life is Not Yours”?
  • Parable of the 5 foot long spoons
  • What if you REALLY made your whole life about service?
  • Our animal brain prioritizes our survival before anyone else’s…even our children.
  • Everything beyond the essentials is nothing more than things we’ve been led to desire and taught to cover
  • Needless to say, it’s important for us to be able to provide our own essential needs…after that, it’s game on!
  • The game of service and fulfillment is a 2-part formula: Impact and Income
  • So many of us – MYSELF INCLUDED – put too much emphasis on the “INCOME” part
  • Here’s the reality bite = nobody can do what YOU do better than you
  • Nobody on this planet can influence the way you can.
  • To deprive the people, the planet of your gifts is the most selfish thing any of us can do, especially when we do so to fulfill our own cravings

Reflection Questions:

  • Your Life is Not YOURS…what would happen if you woke up and treated every encounter, every exchange, and every moment as though this were true?
  • Would things become more simple for you? More complicated?
  • What will matter more to you in the last chapter of your life: Income or impact?
  • What if you used this ONE life you have to make the GREATEST impact you could? What would that look like?
  • What if we all lived like this?