By safety, we don’t simply mean physical protection. What we are talking about is allowing women to shine without constantly sexualizing and fetishizing them. Many men claim to stand for safety, but behind the eyes, there are underlying programs and stories running the show. Drop the shame, circle up with some brothers, set the bar higher for your personal conduct, and let’s truly create safety for all women.

Show Notes:

  • The timeless place after having a child – we see what is true and important in life
  • How and why it’s different having a daughter vs. a son
  • What is our role as a father to a daughter?
  • This is relevant to every man, whether you are a biological father or not. There are young women in our community that are watching and learning from how we walk in the world.
  • Be the man that you would want for your daughter
  • We have a great influence and potential for global healing by holding women and the feminine in respect and honor.

Reflection Questions:

  • How is your relationship with females? In both the past and present
  • How have you outwardly, and also inwardly, treated women in your life?
  • What is one thing you are committed to doing for women?