Episode 83 - Sacred Seeds Spark Movements with Sesole Slade

Honoring the cultures and ways of indigenous cultures is no mere talking point. It offers solutions to the troubles of the world by reminding us of our intimate connection to LIFE and EACH OTHER. As a founding father of the Conscious Man Brotherhood, Sesole has proven his dedication to the sacred ways and is a key member of this men’s movement. We talk about leadership, ceremonial cacao, cultural APPRECIATION, daily rituals, and much more.

Show Notes:

  • True leaders listen first, and then speak once they have something powerful to share
  • How do you recognize your gifts, beyond what is reflected back by others?
  • The power and beauty of cacao ceremonies.
  • Respecting and following the ancient indigenous ways is a means to living a harmonious life.
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Appreciation – Where is the line?
  • How sitting in ceremony with his partner has transformed Sesole’s relationship with his wife.
  • Rituals can be simple and can take as little as 20 seconds.
  • The strength of rituals is in the consistency, as it builds momentum and confidence. 


Connect With Sesole: 

Personal Instagram: @sesole.slade

Ceremonial Cacao Instagram: @toa_koko