RMP 075 - What a Goddess Loves About Men with Amy Louise Cash

Amy Louise Cash is a transformational coach, thought leader, and catalyst for truth who assists souls with showing up unapologetically. She dives into deep waters by sharing her story of abuse, and how she found forgiveness and beauty. Get an inside look at what a super strong woman most desires, and disfavors, in a man. My hope is that after listening, you will consider what the world is like for women, and take actions to make this a safer place for ALL.

Show Notes:

  • A boy is still working out what he wants, while a man is clear and ready for what he wants.
  • A man is vulnerable and real, while the boy is learning those lessons.
  • What are the men like in Amy’s circle? They make her feel safe – loved, seen, and heard.
  • What frustrates her most about men? When men don’t know what they want or don’t go after that.
  • The potential to be a man of his word is in our DNA, but it must be awakened. Be gentle with yourself and let the process unfold.
  • As a collective, we have made the world unsafe for women. What can we do to reverse that?
  • Amy’s relationship with men – From abuse to self love.
  • Do men realize the depth that their actions have on women?
  • The value of meaningful heartfelt affirmations and compliments.
  • What helped Amy regain trust in men?
  • How emasculation shows up in relationship
  • Why vulnerability is a super power and makes a woman feel safe – WHEN SHARED IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT.
  • Safety for Women, Freedom for Men
  • Vulnerability is a connection point.
  • What is her message to men who have perpetrated violence towards women?
  • There is beauty everywhere
  • You must learn to fully receive in order to give
  • We do the work in order to give the next generations a better world
  • The greatest gifts and faults of the #MeToo movement.


How to Connect with Amy Louise Cash:


Instagram – @amylouisecash

Facebook – Amy Louise Cash