RMP 064 - A Wise Man Serves the World with Oscar Perez

Oscar Perez is a modern day wizard, blending Toltec wisdom, Jungian Psychology, and wilderness immersion experiences into a powerful, seasoned message. We dive into the reasons why an integrated and awakened man serves LIFE without the expectation of receiving any benefit in the ways his mind wants. We confront mortality, anger, suicide, and a slew of other important, complex topics.

Show Notes:

  • A boy thinks the world is here to serve him, whereas a man knows he is here to serve the world
  • Confronting Mortality – a stage of questioning that comes up on the journey to Manhood
  • Concept of indebtedness – We owe everything we know to our ancestors and past generations. Passing that knowledge onwards is our sacred duty.
  • The prevalence of suicide in young men is a warning sign that, as a society, we are not doing something right. How do we change?
  • Oscar’s experience growing up in a community where anger was one of the few acceptable emotions for men to express.
  • Facing off with the fear of death.
  • What other lives are we affecting by perpetuating our outdated stories?
  • Real power is our ability to shed our old skin and step fully into our vulnerability
  • We are redefining what normal means for men, and this process takes commitment and time.
  • My life is here to serve LIFE, with no expectation that I will be rewarded in the ways my mind expects.
  • No man got it ALL right. We all slip up. It’s how we recover that matters.
  • We get hung up on this idea of completion. There is no end, just an ongoing journey.

How to follow Oscar:

Email: Oscar@Tendingthefires.com

Website: Tendingthefires.com – For a full list of his offerings

Instagram: @tendingthefires – Follow and check in for daily lessons