Episode 52 - Unite the Sacred Sons with Aubert Bastiat


Addiction and loneliness are plaguing men across the world. There is no simple solution, but sharing authentically from the heart in the presence of other men is a good start. Our guest, Aubert Bastiat, tells intimate tales from his darkest hours and reveals how he made the shift to serving others.

Show Notes:

  • Man takes responsibility for his actions, while the Boy is in victimhood mode
  • How Aubert dealt with his father’s early exit from his life
  • How to discern which men are good role models
  • Dealing with feeling alone, hiding addiction, and suicidal thoughts
  • The importance of dark nights of the soul
  • Seeing beyond ourselves and into serving the greater community
  • Dealing with shame and getting the support you need

Aubert’s main organization is Sacred Sons, and you can follow along on Instagram @sacredsons or check their website for upcoming events both in person and online.

Aubert’s personal page on Instagram is @spiritualheart


Elements Initiation – Next event will take place from the 18th to the 20th in January

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

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