Episode 43: Mastering Heart Centered Communication with Oren Harris

FEELINGS. Many men run from them, opting for the stable ground offered by rational thinking and logic. There are many forgotten, and crucial, benefits to living from a present, open state. Soak up the wisdom as you walk the path from the HEAD to the HEART with our guest, powerhouse speaker and coach, Oren Harris.



  • Does your emotional journey feel restricted by the societal norms around men expressing emotions?
  • Feelings are the primary way we receive information, it plays a huge part in our lives.
  • How learning to be emotionally strong and open will help create connection with others, especially women.
  • How hiding things is a way to cope with having judgements about ourselves or the way we are being
  • Thru heart centered communication, we connect to others more deeply as we merge with the infinite
  • When is the right time to safely, vulnerably share? What is the right place?
  • The more still we are, the more we see our emotions as passing by rather than as fixed
  • Using the question “what is my intention behind this?” throughout your day and relations as a way to get deeper than the surface layers.
  • How to deal with the masculine desire to resolve things on a physical level using rationality and logic
  • By getting deeper into experiencing and living from the heart, the more intuition we are able to hear, and the more synchronicities we will find in our lives.
  • Being okay with not being “The One” who is the lead man, gets recognition, the credit, or deals the final blow.
  • There is only so far we can go alone, muscling our way up. We need to put aside our egos and ask for help and collaboration.
  • Don’t die regretting that you had never tried to achieve your dream life. There is no such thing as failure, just the journey from the head to the heart.

To receive frequent, valuable shares from Oren, follow him on Instagram and Facebook or visit his website

Apply for Elements – Next event will take place on the third weekend in January 2019!

*-*-*Be on the lookout for Compass – which will be a 4 day 4 night vision quest in CA, sometime after the next Elements event in 2019.*-*-

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