Episode 25: Rags & Riches: A New Definition of Success

Is your definition of “success” shaped by society’s standards? Have you declared what “success looks like on your terms? Inner-preneur, Sam Lewis, shares with us his story of his rise to riches and success, the insights he had from the top, and why he’s happier now living on a remote island than he was with the material version of success.

Topics Covered:

  • Greater awareness of ourselves, our environment, and the implications of our choices differentiates the boy from the man
  • Being raised in an alternative family culture
  • Being labeled at a young age and how that affects our identity
  • The stories we create about ourselves based on what our parents, teachers, and authority figures tell us
  • The definition of “success” based on influences from music and media
  • The importance of having positive male role models
  • What masculine mentorship looks like and why it is essential for young men
  • Seeking out mentors and asking for support
  • Accumulating wealth only to want MORE
  • The peace and happiness that comes with a simple life
  • Redefining success after calibrating to “island time”
  • Designing life on your terms

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